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Spirit-filled. Service and Justice Oriented. Welcoming and Affirming.

One of the greatest gifts we give and receive as a congregation is the act of ministering to one another and to all those in need of care and compassion. We have many ways to do this at Davis UMC.

Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry is a program of laypeople that provide individual care to people both in and around our congregation. Stephen ministers receive 50 hours of training in Christian caregiving and are guided by the notion that they provide the care but that God provides the healing. They care for those who may be experiencing feelings of disconnection or helplessness or struggling with illness, divorce, or a major transition. They are assigned to one “care receiver” at a time and meet with them for an average of one hour a week for a year.

Caroline Chantry, Stephen Leader

Meals Ministry

The Meals Ministry provides meals to people in our congregation who are going through stressful times—new babies, illness, death, etc.
Helen Roland, Coordinator

Transportation Connection

The Transportation Connection provides rides by making connections between those needing transportation and those willing to provide rides.

Prayer Shawl Ministry
Sundays, 6:00—7:30 pm (does not meet every Sunday – contact Zora or check the church calendar for specific dates)
The Prayer Shawl Ministry combines caring for others and a love of knitting into a prayerful ministry that reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace. We gather together to knit prayer shawls, which are distributed to those who need the nurture and comfort of knowing they are surrounded in prayer.

Zora Fowler, Coordinator

Almost Like Mom’s Care Packages for College Students
This all-church ministry fills gift bags with goodies (chocolate, homemade cookies, fruit and inspirational sayings) for the college students at beginning of each year and during finals.

Beth Flory, Coordinator

Prayer Chain
The Prayer Chain is an intercessory prayer group which communicates through email to call us to pray for those in need of prayer. If you have a need for prayer, please contact the church office via E-mail or telephone and we will gladly coordinate with the Prayer Chain. Thank you.
Judith McKibben, Coordinator