Electronic Giving To Davis UMC
The church’s EIN (federal tax ID) is 68-0008750.
To give to the general fund (or to fund your annual pledge):
When you click on the link above, the giving page defaults to annual pledge giving. Please click that field and you can select to give instead to the general fund, which is account 4020. Any questions? Contact the Finance Secretaries at their E-mail address: finance@davisumc.org
Special Offerings has enhanced functionality when you click on the link below:
- Enter gift amount
- Go to the right to see the special fund for each month.
- If you want to give to a fund other than the current one, go farther right and click on the little down arrow. All the year’s special funds will show up and you can click the one you want.
- Continue by selecting Give Once or Give Multiple Times
- Then fill in the Date and your email address
- Click Continue for the next screen and enter your payment method and information.
- You did it!
And thanks always for your faithful, generous giving that powers life-giving ministry in our world.
Louanne Horsfield, Stewardship
To give electronically, you will need the routing number and account number from your bank, which can easily be found at the bottom of your checks. Here’s a good guide to finding that information from a check:
If you have any questions about electronic giving, contact the church financial secretaries at finance@davisumc.org
You Can Also Give by Text!
Send text messages to 73256 using your mobile device.
Here is a handy checklist for setting you on the path for text giving.
The link above opens a Word document with instructions on how to give directly from your mobile device.
For questions, contact the Finance secretaries at: finance@davisumc.org