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Spirit-filled. Service and Justice Oriented. Welcoming and Affirming.

All-Church Baby Shower

An All Church Baby Shower will be held on Sunday, January 17th, in Fellowship Hall after the 11:00 service.   We are welcoming baby Seth Keaton Wise, born to Kristine and Matthew Wise (and siblings Evan and Haylee), on November 16th, 2015.
As always we will be presenting them with individual wishes for Seth, as well as simple gifts.   Since the family has been generously blessed with gifts from family and friends, Kristine has requested that gifts be directed either to Yolo Crisis Nursery or Kylie Lilich Foundation in Woodland, which provides layettes to Kristine has  new moms who have nothing and are in dire need.
Everyone is invited and encouraged to participate in this important ministry.  If possible, please bring finger food to share.