Ways to Get Involved with
Service and Justice
March 2020
Support for Paul’s Place, a multi-functional facility designed to help those experiencing extreme poverty is a major focus of our service and justice work this year. Please consider making a pledge to help build this facility at 1111 H Street. For more information, see Paulsplacedavis.org or contact Helen Roland at hroland2@gmail.com.
Davis City Respite Center Is Now Open. A pilot daytime respite center opened at 1717 Fifth St. in late February. Volunteer help is needed. For information, contact Kellie Vitaich, volunteer program coordinator, at KVitaich@cityofdavis.org
The Interfaith Rotating Winter Shelter is open through mid-March. Help is still needed at the intake center at St. Martin’s Church and at the host church sites. To help, please sign up online at http://www.interfaith-shelter.org.
Housing and Homeless Taskforce: If you are concerned about this issue and interested in working with other members of the congregation to advocate for change, please join us on March 22, at 12:30 in Walker Room. Contact John Castelfranco at johncastelfranco@att.net.
Contemporary Issues Forum: This month our focus continues on Pro-Future Faith, the 8-part video series developed by Rev. Michael Dowd. Join us in Walker Room between services (9:45 to 10:50am). Contact Jim Cramer at cramerjc@gmail.org.
Grace Garden: New leadership opportunities will be coming soon. Stay tuned! We can always use more help in the garden. Garden winter hours are Monday, Thursday and Saturday, 9-11. Contact Cid Barcellos at cidbarcellos@sbcglobal.net
The 3rd Sunday is “Service and Justice Sunday”
Special Offering: Our March 15 Special Offering is for the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Sunday. This special offering goes to cover UMCOR administration costs.
Feed My Sheep: Donations of food needed for Grace in Action and STEAC. Please donate non-perishable items in the bins in the church lobby any time during the month.
Postcard Writing: On March 15. Meet following each service in the Fellowship Hall to write postcards on issues of importance to our city, state, country, and the world. Postcards and stamps are provided. Contact Sharon Marcacci at sharons_mail@yahoo.com.
For more information on these opportunities, please see the church newsletter. Service and Justice Ministry meets at the church on the second Tuesday of each month from 7-8:30. All are welcome. Childcare available. Susan Padgett (sdpadgett@sbcglobal.net) and Marge Matoba (margematoba@gmail.com), Co-Chairs.