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Spirit-filled. Service and Justice Oriented. Welcoming and Affirming.

Blessing of the Bikes!

May Is Bike Month!
Calling all bicycles and their riders!! May is Bike Month in the greater Sacramento Region! Make a commitment to ride your bike more, to walk or take the bus, or to carpool in order to reduce your carbon footprint! Sign up on the May Is Bike Month website: to log your miles along with the rest of the DUMC riders for the month of May, and help us beat our miles from last year! Our goal this year is 1540 miles as a team! So far we have 1,015 miles pledged by our team, so even if you only ride 5 or 10 miles across the month of May, you would push us closer to our goal! Join with thousands of bicyclists around the greater Sacramento area in reaching for 2 million miles this year! Check the table after both services for help in signing up.

May 7th: Bring Your Bike to Church Sunday!!
• Bike Blessing: Pastor Brandon will bless the bikes at the end of each service on the patio near the labyrinth.
• Bring your bike to our Bike Clinic 9:30-1:00 p.m.! Stop by with your bike and get help or learn how to do simple repairs and adjustments on your bike.
• Participate after church in the Davis City Bike Loopalooza!