You’re invited! Plan to attend the Annual Indian Dinner and Dessert Auction to benefit the Cal Aggie Christian Association on October 11, 2015. The event will be held in the Fellowship Hall of Davis Community Church where doors will open at 5:30 and dinner will be served by 6:30. Mary Philip and colleagues will again prepare a buffet of mouthwatering Indian food. We urge you to come early, inspect the yummy desserts available by auction, and partake in fellowship with other CA House supporters.
CA House is an inclusive, progressive campus ministry supported, in part, by Davis United Methodist Church and Davis Community Church. The Multifaith Living Community is a residential program for 42 students of all faiths consisting of six townhouses around a central courtyard behind the CA House on Russell Blvd. The many excellent programs at CA House are made possible only by generous support of the annual Indian dinner.
Tickets are available for a donation of $40 for adults, $20 for youth/students, and children under 10 are free. Tickets may be purchased at CA House, or from CA Board members at DUMC after Sunday services. For more information please speak with Helen Roland, Jim Cramer, or other CA Board members, or contact CA House at 753-2000 or