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Spirit-filled. Service and Justice Oriented. Welcoming and Affirming.

Exploring Membership Class

Are you new to Davis UMC? Or maybe you’ve been attending forever and just have never officially joined? Pastor Kelly will be offering a gathering for “exploring membership” on Saturday, January 30th, from 9:30am to 2:30pm. All are welcome! There is no obligation to become a member at the end of the time – just an open invitation to explore and enjoy. This is a chance for participants to get to know one another and share the life journeys that have brought you to this church. In this time we will: learn about Davis United Methodist Church; learn some core beliefs and principles of the Christian faith and United Methodism; and learn what the commitment of membership means in the United Methodist Church. Lunch will be provided! We can provide child care, too – just let us know you need it! Please RSVP so we know how much food to prepare. Call the church office (756-2170) or email (