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Spirit-filled. Service and Justice Oriented. Welcoming and Affirming.

Friday Fun: Take Me Out to the Game

Join in Friday Fun. Don’t cook. Share fun and laughter.

Friday Fun is a time to share a meal and activity. Events vary each week with those attending the first three weeks deciding what we will do on the final Friday.

Participants will bring a single item that requires no cooking. Individuals on restricted diets –bring your meal and share the fun.  Sign up for the item you will bring after services on Sunday or by emailing Lorraine Beaman at

July 10- Take me out to the Game

Activity: Games. Bring your favorite game. Don’t have a favorite game? Come and discover one.

Menu: Picnic food.

Hot dogs (meat and veggie) will be provided along with beverages. Participants can sign up to bring a bag of chips or carrots, ingredients for a green salad, hot dog buns, mustard, catsup, ice cream (we will have root beer floats), or an item of their choice.