Here is an excerpt from Pastor Brandon’s Lenten letter detailing the church’s Holy Week worship offerings!
*April 14th SUNDAY 8:30 & 11:00 AM Passion/Palm Sunday
Followers of Jesus gather at Jerusalem’s city gate (our fellowship hall) and join the peculiar triumph parade of Jesus, King of the Jews, as he rides a humble donkey into the city to the shouts of “Save us! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”
[You will receive a palm frond to wave as we sing in procession to the Sanctuary.]
April 18th THURSDAY 7:00 PM Holy Thursday (Taize w/communion)
As his disciples, we gather to sing, pray, share communion and keep company with Jesus.
April 19th FRIDAY 7:00 PM Tenebrae/Cantata Service
We gather to remember the final hours of Jesus’ life in candlelight, word, image, and song.
6:30 AM Sunrise Worship (w/ communion)
Our sunrise celebration begins in the church fellowship hall and moves to the sanctuary where we greet the new day inaugurated by God in the resurrection of Jesus with the words: “HE IS RISEN!”
*8:30 AM Worship
10:15 AM Egg Hunt
*11:00 AM Worship
*Indicates that childcare is provided.