Please contact the church office at with information about your group’s needs and we will respond quickly!
The facilities at Davis UMC are available for use by private and non-profit groups from the community in addition to our own church members. In order to book our facilities, a certificate of liability insurance (for non-profit groups and individuals), $100 cleaning deposit, use fee (see fee schedules below), completed facility use contract, and signed building use policy are required. Please submit these to the church office after confirming by phone or E-mail that the day and time you would like is available (check out our church calendar to see for yourself).
Contact our office for guidance in obtaining a certificate of liability insurance for your event. We must receive a copy of this certificate, along with all other documents, and payment, well in advance of the event.
Following please find items that may help you in planning your event. A note: these links will initiate downloads of Word documents to your device. If you are accessing the church Website via a mobile phone or tablet, please ensure that your device is capable of opening Microsoft Word documents. The church office recommends downloading and opening these documents to a personal computer, either PC or Mac based.
You are always welcome to contact the church office with any questions you may have about planning your event or reviewing these forms!
Facility Use Guidelines for Fellowship Hall
Fellowship Hall Furniture Arrangement
Facility Use Guidelines for Sanctuary
Some handy reminders here at the bottom of the page restating what’s above:
In order to book our facilities we need a certificate of liability insurance. This must name the church and must cover the entire time your group is renting our space. For concerts, recitals, and receptions, the insurance must cover all rehearsals as well as the event date(s). If you intend to serve any food or drink, whether home-cooked, catered, or prepared at the church, the insurance certificate must clearly state that food and drink are permitted (under a policy rider).
We publish a set fee schedule which is used to determine the facility use rate. We collect a $100 cleaning/security deposit when the facility use agreement is finalized.
All documents, insurance certificates, and payment in full are due well in advance of your group’s rental dates and we are not permitted to allow access to our facilities unless all paperwork and payment has been received.