Davis UMC’s college student ministry can offer “Almost Like Mom’s” care packages to college and university students. We will also send periodic mailings with words of support and inspirational quotes. Contact us to find out about the status of the care package program.
Davis UMC also supports ministries with college students beyond DUMC.
College Fellowship
The Cal Aggie Christian Association (CA House) is our campus ministry. CA House is an ecumenical campus ministry of Davis United Methodist Church and Davis Community Church (Presbyterian) that implements its ministry through a number of student-focused programs. These include programs for worship, intentional living, service, study, and personal growth. DUMC supports CA House by serving as board members and student mentors. DUMC also supports CA house financially, both as a congregation and as individuals.
“Through action on issues of peace and justice, we enable individuals to discover and fulfill their human and spiritual vocations. CA House has a number of weekly program offerings. The two primary programs are:
- Monday Night Christian Program [dinner and fellowship] – 6 pm
- Wednesday Night Multifaith Program [dinner and conversation] – 6 pm
Multifaith Living Community
The Multifaith Living Community (MLC) at CA House is a unique living environment for 40+ students who seek to live intentionally with one another, based on CA House’s four values: community, faith, social justice, and sustainable living. Students of all faiths, or no faith, are invited to apply.
For more information, visit our website: www.cahouse.org