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Spirit-filled. Service and Justice Oriented. Welcoming and Affirming.

Job Openings

Davis UMC is currently accepting applications for the following paid position(s):

Church Pianist (Word document)

OR Google Document link *Church Pianist*

Please click on the position title for a copy of the job posting. You may select either a Word document or a Google link.

To apply for positions at Davis UMC, please follow the instructions noted in the job descriptions (above). If the instructions specify that applicants download and complete the job application, you may obtain the application by clicking on the links below. You may send completed application packets (including statement of interest, resume, and, if requested application form) via US Mail to Davis UMC, Attn: Office, 1620 Anderson Rd, Davis, CA 95616. You may also send application materials in Word (.docx) format or  .pdf (Portable Document Format) to the church’s E-mail address ( If you send an E-mail, please reference the position to which you are applying in the subject line… the Office Manager thanks you!

Davis UMC Application for Employment (Word document)

Davis UMC Application for Employment (Portable Document Format aka .pdf)

Please contact us at the Church Office if you feel a calling to assist one of our Ministries in a volunteer capacity!