We are a community committed to life-long learning as we seek to put our faith into practice transforming our world.
Sunday Contemporary Issues Forum
Sunday, 9:45 am, Walker Room
Adult discussions on living a Christian life in the world today with speakers on community, social, mission and outreach. Recent topics have included a review of the United Methodist Social Principles and the theological basis of caring for God’s creation.
Susan Padgett and Jim Cramer, Coordinators
Sunday Bible Study
Sunday, 9:45 am, Rothe Room
The Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study follows the lectionary and reinforces the pastor’s sermon.
Rosa Washington Olson, Coordinator
New Members’ Classes
Offered periodically these small group gatherings with the Pastor are for individuals who have been attending Davis UMC—whether you are new to the church or have been attending forever and just have never officially joined. All are welcome! There is no obligation to become a member at the end of the series—just an open invitation to explore and enjoy. This four week series presents the history of Davis United Methodist Church; reviews some core beliefs and principles of the Christian faith and United Methodism; and discusses the membership commitment in the United Methodist Church.
Pastor Brandon Austin, leader
Special Book Studies
Throughout the year these ad hoc small groups meet to deepen their understanding of their personal faith and the role of United Methodist Church in today’s world. During Lent and Advent multiple groups are offered, but other groups meet when the spirit moves them.
Progressive Christianity
Monday, 7-8:30 pm, Walker Room
This adult book study group explores new ideas in religion, science, and other faith traditions
Patti Nelson and Andy Burke, Coordinators
Wednesday Bible Study
Wednesday, 1:30 pm, Walker Room
This Bible Study group uses a variety of authors on the Bible to deepen participants understanding of scripture.
Louanne Horsfield, Coordinator