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Spirit-filled. Service and Justice Oriented. Welcoming and Affirming.

In 2016 the people of Davis UMC developed a vision for our ministries of service and justice, which is one of three current ministry emphases (along with worship and small groups): 

The people of Davis United Methodist Church intentionally engage the last, the least, and the lost of our community – actively ministering to them while tirelessly addressing underlying injustice as God leads. Our first focus is local, yet global needs also energize and mobilize us. Actions that are spirit-filled, welcoming and affirming, and service and justice oriented find permission, encouragement, and support here. The scope can be small to large and one-time to ongoing, and can readily draw in others beyond this church.

Particular ministries of service and justice include:

Community Meals/Sandwich Brigade

This ministry works with a local non-profit to prepare meals and sandwiches for low income people. Rita Mt. Joy, coordinator

Grace Garden
Grace Garden is a sustainable garden, growing vegetables, fruit, herbs and flowers on 5/8 acre at the back of our campus. In 2012 over 1200 pounds of tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, green beans and cantaloupes were distributed to hungry people through our partnership with the Davis Korean Baptist Church’s Friday Harvest Food program. Take a look at Grace Garden’s page here: Grace Garden – Davis United Methodist Church

Cid Barcellos and Marge Matoba, Coordinators

Interfaith Rotating Winter Shelter
Provides meals and overnight shelter for the homeless of our community. Our church usually hosts two-nonconsecutive weeks of shelter. The shelter runs from November through February each year. Please note that the Winter Shelter’s operations are different during the Winter of 2020/2021. The Shelter is operating, so please visit their Website at for contact information.

Rita Lundin, Coordinator

Reconciling Congregation
In 1997 at an all church conference, members of DUMC voted overwhelmingly to became a Reconciling Congregation .As a Reconciling Congregation DUMC  welcomes all as full members of our fellowship regardless of their sexual orientation  or gender identity. Our congregation works with the Reconciling Ministry Network to remove all the discriminatory language from the Book of Discipline. We also work with other organizations to work for full equality for LGBTQ persons in our society.

Letters for Peace and Justice
Help write letters to make others aware of world social injustices.

Feed My Sheep Food Collection
The church collects cans and other nonperishable food on the 2nd Sunday each month for delivery to our local food banks, STEAC, Grace in Action, and Community Meals. 

Caring for God’s Creation—Greening the Church
Our church is committed to individual, church and community actions working for sustaining the wonders of God’s earth and ensuring a safe environment for all God’s children. Some of the actions we have taken include but are not limited to:

  • Going solar—see our sanctuary roof
  • Going paperless for coffee time and receptions
  • Using free trade coffee at church and setting up a buying club through the church
  • Joining California Interfaith Power and Light, the Cool Davis Initiative, and becoming certified as a Greening Congregation though Earth Minister

Jim Cramer, Coordinator

Cool Davis Initiative
This nonprofit works in partnership with the City of Davis to help implement the city’s goal of becoming carbon neutrality by 2050, The Cool Davis initiative, through educational and other programs works to inspire our community to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to a changing climate, and improve the quality of life for all.

Jim Cramer, DUMC representative on the Board