United Methodist Men
Wednesdays, 7 am, Black Bear Diner
United Methodist Men meet weekly for fellowship and breakfast, go on retreat annually in August at Lake Tahoe, and help with various activities and work projects at church.”
Jerry Beaman and Dick Dowell, coordinators
United Methodist Women
3rd Thursday, 1:30 pm, Walker Room
The mission is to build a supportive community among women; to be an advocate for the oppressed and dispossessed with special attention to women and children; and to engage in activities that foster growth in the Christian faith, mission education, and Christian social involvement.
Rosa Washington, President
Women’s Emmaus Groups:
These weekly groups help individuals reflect on their personal faith journeys. You may attend these groups even if you have not attended the Walk.
- Tuesday, 10:30-11:30 am; Walker Room, Alice Harvey, coordinator;
- Saturdays, 10–Noon, Walker Room: 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month; Nancy Anderson, coordinator;
- Thursdays, Faith and Breakfast (FAB) 6:30 am, Black Bear Diner, Zora Fowler, coordinator;
Elder Spirituality Circle
Elder Circles are small interactive groups of elders designed to explore the spiritual dimensions of aging–ways of living life more consciously, more joyfully, and more compassionately; to engage in life’s mending and repair work; to come to terms with mortality, to create a spiritual legacy and to explore opportunities for mentoring and service as we witness our own and each others’ personal transformations in moving from older to elder, from age-ing to sage-ing.
Mary Anne Ingenthron, facilitator